Asset Tokenisation


In a world which is fast moving towards “everything digital”, there has been an increasing demand to have services which are convenient, fast, reliable and cost effective. With new technologies emerging everyday, today’s tech becomes outdated tomorrow and the financial sector is no exception to this.  In the current world, financial institutions are reliant on traditional payment methods, which include but are not limited to inter, intra bank transfers, payments, FX trades etc. The existing methods have heavy dependencies on intermediary systems, cross geographic governing regulations to name a few, which makes it complex, cost intensive and not (near) real time.

Adopting blockchain has helped in moving away from some of these dependencies along with achieving transaction finality, transparency and a certain level of convenience which is absent in the traditional ways. These values have been realised by financial institutes and government bodies who have been undertaking initiatives like stablecoins, which are digital assets pegged against a more stable fiat currency as well as asset tokenisation to non-fungible tokens. These digital assets would shape the future of institutional banking.

Problem Statement

We worked with a Large Financial Institute based in Australia with the below objectives

  • User adoption of the Digital currencies at a faster rate even than the adoption of internet.
  • Requirement to provide institutional clients with a secure gateway to Digital assets.
  • Reduce the institutional transaction time from few days to few minutes.
  • Value transfer across wallets.

Our Solution

Our team of Solution Engineers, Developers and Consultants worked with the customer’s core team to design and develop the following outcomes.

  • Create a stable coin pegged with Australian dollar
  • Fully audited smart contracts
  • Deliver a platform integrated with secure institutional digital asset wallet to manage end to end asset tokenisation life cycle
  • Value transfer on a permissionless blockchain across two wallets and acquisition of tokenised carbon credits

Business Value Add & Our Role

Business Value Add
  • Successful implementation of the End-to-End portal for the tokenisation.
  • Delivery of the stable coin implementation.
  •  Participate in future road map to explore various Digital Asset use cases.
Solution Engineering, Development, Process Consulting
  • Solution Design
  • Development
  • Process Consultation
Product Management

Our experienced team of consultants were responsible for

  • Breaking down large and complex business requirements to technically implementable user stories
  • Backlog Management
  • Work Prioritization
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Delivery Management
  • Scrum Management